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"Real Fun Real Estate" - Who is Ferris Property Group?

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

Picture this. You’re working a job you love, perfecting your version of a work- life balance, working your business (instead of letting it work you) all while surrounding yourself with like-minded professionals who have FUN together. Sounds like a dream doesn’t it? We realized it didn’t have to be and that is how Ferris Property Group was born.

Whether you are a client, an agent or somewhere in between - I’d love to tell you a bit about Real Fun Real Estate and what it means to be part of our brokerage.

As a hybrid brokerage, we harness virtual tools to maximize productivity and have the added benefit of meeting in person as needed with our FPG family. Our systems are set up for virtual presentations, meetings, paperwork, and more. You can work ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. We provide you with the tools you need to operate a successful business from home, Starbucks, a co-working space, or a car. No hour-long commute. No daily meetings. No packing lunches. No pants (or judgment).

Virtual systems aside, we also love being around our FPG family. Instead of using our face-to-face time with the team in an office setting, held up in meetings or separated by cubicle walls, we choose to do things a little differently. We interact regularly through monthly face-to-face get togethers in a fun setting, client appreciation events, brainstorming sessions, team events, and more! And for our clients, we don’t have to schedule a meeting room, bring you in to a stuffy room with no windows – we can meet at your favorite coffee shop, a park or anywhere that’s most convenient for you!

The FPG culture is a VERY important aspect of our business. Those we surround ourselves with play a vital role in our daily lives. We want to surround ourselves with others who inspire, contribute, and extend kindness. We work hard to protect our people and maintain these core values:

+ CULTURE We value those who uplift others, radiate positivity, and are ready to embrace challenges. We want you to feel welcome, supported, and part of the FPG family every step of the way. We work hard to convey that vibe to our team, our clients, and all others we interact with.

+ HARD WORK We’re not going to lie and tell you business will fall in your lap. It won’t. But, we have coaching, accountability, and systems in place to help you dominate

the time you put into your business. If you’re willing to do the work, we’re here to provide you with the tools you need to find success.

+ INTEGRITY & HONESTY Real estate doesn’t always have the best rap. We’re not here for and don’t stand behind slimy sales tactics or unscrupulous behavior. At FPG, we are looking to lead the industry in professionalism standards. We want to operate our brokerage with integrity and honesty - every step of the way.

+ FAMILY Our families are the driving force behind our success. We work hard to provide for not just ourselves, but for our loved ones. Real estate, combined with our virtual systems, allows us to work where and when we want, resulting in a flexible schedule ideal for our families! We want you to enjoy work, but more importantly, we want you to be able to enjoy time with those you love!

+ GROWTH As an innovative brokerage, we strive for continuous growth. We look for those with an open mind, a drive to experiment, the ability to share constructive criticism, and a desire to continue learning. We will continue to grow Ferris Property Group, inviting those looking for opportunities, leadership roles, and new adventures onto the team along the way.

If you’re still with me, I hope that helps give you a better understanding of who FPG is and our vision for Lifestyle Real Estate - growing an amazing business while building an amazing life.

Full disclosure, I am the Operations Manager of Ferris Property Group, so of course I love our brokerage! Working for FPG has been an absolute blessing to my family (as a mama of 4), being able to thrive in my career but also be there when I need to be at home.

We have also used them to both buy and sell homes, so I can vouch for their real estate expertise as well. If you’re interested in a career in real estate, looking to make a change, or if you have any real estate needs, we’d love to hear from you!

+ Holly Stauffer


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