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Ferris Property Group

Yeah - that’s a thing. You should probably text your bestie. (You’re welcome for the free reminder. 😉)

But seriously, today is a day dedicated to the best of friendships and I wanted to take a moment to celebrate our founders. Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with the three of them and discuss all things FPG. I was pleasantly surprised to uncover that at the core of this amazing company they’ve built is pure and genuine friendship.

Todd, Terry, and Megan have been friends for 20+ years. You cover a lot of life in 20 years! A lot of opportunities for trials and celebrations. I learned that their friendship - a rock-solid, true partnership and appreciation for each other - is a big reason for their success as a team and as a company. That decade-long track record of successful relationships built the trust they needed to make this small real estate team into a huge real estate team and then into a highly successful local brokerage. What’s more, that importance they placed on their friendship spilled over onto the agents and staff they would eventually hire.

You can ask any of our agents or staff members and they’ll tell you there is always someone willing to help, ready to listen and cheering you on from the sidelines. I love that throughout our company (even as we’ve grown) we celebrate each other’s successes and rally around those needing support in times of losses. Business owners, you set the tone. The attitude and overall vibe will trickle down. Whether or not Todd, Megan, and Terry know that, it’s obvious that their admiration and respect for each other is contagious and they’re doing something right!

Prior to splitting off and forming our own brokerage, it was no secret that one of our goals when recruiting was to recruit agents and or staff who you genuinely wanted to be around. Many of our hires are other friends of the Ferris’ or Waggoners, or even family! But they’re all people who are genuinely liked by one another. I actually met one of my besties just having been a part of the FPG team!

The experts will tell you to steer clear of going into business with your family and or close friends. And honestly, I think it's wise advice. However, what’s even wiser is knowing your strengths and weaknesses and when to step aside to a friend, spouse, or business partner to pick up where you naturally leave off - and also knowing the difference between work time and ‘play time’ 😉.

Ours is a company culture unlike any other and one I think we strive to protect as we grow. Our slogan “Real Fun Real Estate” came about naturally because it’s what we do. It’s who we are. We genuinely have a blast with each other. Every time we get together, whether it be for a monthly business meeting or our annual incentive trip, is such a blast! Real laughter, meaningful conversations, and of course a sprinkle of sarcasm and chain yanking. But all of this, in my opinion, is because of the friendship that started it all.

So, hoots to you, Todd, Terry, and Megan! Here’s to a few decades down and many more to go. Here’s to more success, laughs, and genuine friendship as we grow this thing. And THANK YOU for setting such an amazing example for us to follow.

I probably should tell you that I am an FPG agent and our Social Media Coordinator. I’m a boy mom for life and constantly chasing messes (when I’m not breaking up fights!) and truly love serving my community by way of real estate. I get to meet and help so many amazing people around town! It has been an awesome career. Now as the brokerage’s Social Media Coordinator, I get to brag about how awesome our city and people are. Win-win. My husband and I were referred to FPG when we returned home to Indiana. I was drawn to their way of doing business and when I was offered an opportunity to join them the choice was easy! If you’re thinking of a career in real estate or one with Ferris Property Group, we’d love to talk.

- Kate Sowles


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