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Happy Birthday FPG!

It’s official. We made it a year! I sat down with the big 3 to discuss the origin story of Ferris Property Group – and where the company is headed.

Enter fearsome Real Estate duo, Todd & Megan Ferris and their partner in crime – Terry Waggoner. What started as a handful of people meeting in the basement of their local office has grown into an Independent Brokerage of agents, team members and their incredible support staff.

There were several things that led to Ferris Property Group launching their virtual brokerage. Todd saw it as “a chance to limit some of the operating costs in order to give back to the agents.” Less operating costs = more money in the agents’ pockets. Todd adds, “After 12 years of working for someone else, we realized that the only way we could advance our career and achieve some of the flexibility that we need to offer our agents, staff and clients better service was to do it on our own.” “Being agents ourselves, we were really excited about the possibilities,” said Megan, “we wanted to make an “outside-the-box” brokerage that could be innovative, fun, and pivot as needed in the ever changing Real Estate world.”

This unique brokerage is changing the way agents think about their business. Even though we do not have a typical office setting, we stay just as connected through our bi-monthly team meetings, coaching calls, Client Appreciation Events, and Incentive Trips (to amazing places like Las Vegas and New Orleans.) Culture is very important to the leaders of Ferris Property Group. Todd would put the culture of FPG up against any other company! Terry agrees, “Our people are the best – they’re bold, innovative, energetic, high-integrity, just SUPER FUN people.” We are continuously checking in on our agents, giving them guidance when needed and congratulating their outstanding achievements. One of Megan’s favorite memories of this past year was “The Homies.” Picture an award ceremony if you combined The Dundees and The Oscars – complete with fancy outfits, some random singing (by Terry) and meaningful awards to our awesome team. (Yours truly won the #FPGLife award, meaning I bleed neon green and it was truly one of the highest honors of my life.)

Speaking of fun, the FPG company slogan is “Real Fun Real Estate.” I had to ask – what exactly does this mean to the fearless leaders? “We are a combination of those two things, having fun and practicing real estate,” said Todd, “and we’re really good at both!” Megan agrees, adding, “this is such an experience for our clients – let’s have FUN while doing a great job and helping others.” “It means being OURSELVES in everything we do – both for our agents and our clients,” said Terry. “We don’t have to pretend to be people we’re not. We love life, love our jobs, love our people and have LOTS of fun doing this.”

Where is Ferris Property Group headed? “The future is the most exciting part,” said Megan. “We are ready to keep growing, improving and enjoying this ride!” Todd is looking forward to continued growth – “I love what we do and I love who we are and I would love the opportunity to share that with others.” Besides the next incentive trip (currently planned for Miami!!) Terry is excited to “build something and be a part of something that might outlive our own careers.”

And it would only be fitting to wrap up this interview with the same question we ask our new team members: What is your favorite Nicolas Cage quote?

Todd: “I'll be taking these Huggies and whatever cash ya got.” - Raising Arizona

Terry: “Well gosh, kind of a lot has happened since then.” - The Rock

Megan: "Release the baby!"- The Croods

Full disclosure, I am the Operations Manager of Ferris Property Group, so of course I love our brokerage! Working for FPG has been an absolute blessing to my family (as a mama of 4), being able to thrive in my career but also be there when I need to be at home.

We have also used them to both buy and sell homes, so I can vouch for their real estate expertise as well. If you’re interested in a career in real estate, looking to make a change, or if you have any real estate needs, we’d love to hear from you!

+ Holly Stauffer

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